World Music - Israel

In November 1990, Ethiopia and Israel reached an agreement that would allow Ethiopian Jews to move to Israel under the context of family reunification - Operation Solomon marked an end to a dark era in the history of Ethiopian Jews, when children have lived day to day separated from their parents, not knowing their fate.

The book on the left is called On the Wings of Eagles, this book tells this part of dark history from a children's angle.

I told my students that not all children grew up happy; therefore, not all children songs are happy ones. While they enjoy what they have in their schools and family, they need to realize that the world contains misery; music helps to console.

This is a song called "Zichronot m'Africa" (Memories of Africa). It's a song about mixed feeling of Ethiopian-Jewish children who are on the way back to the homeland they've never been to.

When I played my student this song, they followed the lyrics closely on their worksheets and frowned - I'm glad to see a good heart in them.