Ear & Eye Candy

Human senses are amazing. I bet most of us would perceive these pictures of desert plants differently just by quickly glancing at them. What we see, hear, smell, taste and touch have the potential to cause immediate changes to our heartbeat rate, our breathing rhythm and our emotional state.

Pregnant women tend to be more sensitive to these changes within as they always pay attention to the little life that's living inside their bodies. That's why it's encouraged that moms-to-be should look at beautiful things. Some Chinese from the older generation even believe that by looking at pretty baby photos during pregnancy, baby would become more beautiful after birth.

Because of my work, sometime, I would go online and look for some pictures of artwork and photos. To me, many beautiful pictures I've seen are either photos of the nature or paintings that are inspired by mother nature. I find it very soothing and inspiring when I simply browse through a series of nature picutres. (If moms-to-be are looking for entertainment at home, why not look at these pictures instead of a tabloid magazine?)

Sometimes, when I reflect on my own teaching, I would question myself if I've overwhelmed children with too many instructions and activities. They're already doing so much during the day, don't they deserve a rest? I'm trying to set aside the last few minutes of class for plain music sharing. Without my talking, children can watch a music video or listen to a song while they rest their head on the desks with their friends - perhaps this is the moment some of them treasure most in a music class.

This is a music video of some very ordinary pictures and a familiar song, yet it has over 10,000,000 hits on youtube. Sometimes, we forget what a wonderful world we've living in until we see the most ordinary things from mother natre.

Another video that I'd like to share with my students is this one:

The background music "You are my sunshine" (performed by Elizabeth Mitchell) is one of my all-time-favorite songs. And I love the randomness of the photos in the slideshow - if we look around carefully, we can find sunshine everywhere! =)