Every moment is a precious moment

Mamas and papas have to be task-jugglers in order to survive parenthood nowadays. On top of giving children our undivided attention, we have to work, run errands, keep a social life, etc. Some parents have a guilty feeling about not being able to spend enough time educating their children.

Actually, let's forget about playing playdough, music or flashcards for a while. Do children stop getting information from their surrounding environment while we stop using these stimulus? The answer is obvious. Therefore, busy parents, we can sometimes sit back and let the enviornment teach what our children need to know.

Recently, Zero to Three has published a downloadable series called The Magic of Everyday Moments. (one for babies 9-12 months old; another one for toddlers 18-24 months old)

These two booklets reminds us how daily routines, like running errands, going to the grocery and saying hello and goodbye, play an important role in our children's development. It also tells us what to expect from our children and how to interpret their responses in the most ordinary situations.

To children, every moment is a precious moment - only if parents can see that as well! =)

Please click on the links below for the whole recommended series:

The Magic of Everyday Moments (6-9 months) [1324.52kb, .pdf, 20 pages]

All downloadable folders from this articles are from www.kpirc.org