World Music - Senegal

Senegal is a country in West Africa. Its capital city is Dakar. Senegal was once a colony of France; as a result, French is still a commonly spoken language in the country. We are going to listen to a children song from Senegal. What do you think the song is about?

Song from Senegal - Fatou Yo

Lyrics in Mandango

(Click HERE for the translation and find out what the song is about!)

Fatou yo si diadialano
Fatou Faye Faye Fatou
Fatou klema oundio
Fatou yo si diadialano
Boutou mbele Boutou mbele
O mami sera
O mami casse
Ja cana canfa boulodi
Foyer zorola sodiaye
Sodia sodia ina gambia
Coco inako soyango

Music is a natural part in Senegalese culture. People sing and dance as they work and play. Two of the popular instruments from Senegal are the kora and the djembe. Let's listen to their sounds and see how they're played!

KORA demonstration

DJEMBE demonstration