Year 5 music: How can you move on a staircase?

Walking on the stairs is something that we do everyday - in school, on the bus, in a shopping mall, etc. We don't give it much a thought when we walk on the stairs, but if we add a little creativity to it, it can be lots of fun!

Other than walking and bouncing up and down, can can go down the stairs like people in the following video

Perhaps you can compare a piece of written music to the movement on the staircase. We can walk by steps, by skip, or make a leap, or stay at the same step - these motions can basically describe the distance relationship among all notes in a piece of music. Some people have brought the idea of the "walking piano staircase" further and invented the monster piano. Not only do you need good music skills to play (hop) on it, you also need to move quite elegantly like a dancer. I hope you love this performance as much as I do! =)