The magical kaleidascope

Do you recall seeing these images when you were a child?

The kaleidascope used to be one of my favorite toys. To me, as a child, looking into a kaleidascope was like looking into a magical world. The construction of this toy is so simple, yet the many images, which one kaleidascope can produce, are so complex and fascinating.

During a visit to Bali last year, I saw a delicate kaleidascope which was made of stained glass; attached to it was a coloured marble. Instead of turning the tube, all i need to do was to roll the attached marble when I want to change the reflection image. All the childhood memory suddenly came back when I looked into that kaleidascope. So I bought it as a present to my daddy - who first introduced me to this magical art when I was a kid.

I would say that the kaleidascope is one of the "forgotten toys" these days (hula hoop is another one). When we brainstorm gift ideas, this wonderful toy seldom occurs to our thoughts (especially when our mind is fixed to decide whether to get an NDS game or PC game). But when I think about it, kids would be so thrilled to own a kaleidascope; I could already imagine them proudly bringing it in as a "show and tell" item!

Nowadays, there are websites where we can build a kaleidascope online (click here to see one), which is cool...but it doesn't give us the joy of holding a real one in our hands all day long, dreaming about the world inside the kaleidascope!

Please buy your child a kaleidascope if you see one(or even make one with them as a Sunday craft - it's not rocket science!), they'd appreciate it and perhaps, just like me, they'd remember the thrill of it for a life time! =)